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A co s ulitou?

A co s ulitou? No tak to  je lehké jen si vem ty to věci a jsi v pohodě:

Co budeme potřebovat?

-vodu (umyvadlo :D)

-kartáč na vydrhnutí ulity (když nemáš vensi starý zubní kartáček)

-vatové tamponky

-parafinový olej (může být i vazelína)

-nějakou podložku, na kterou achatinu položíme.


1. Vezmeme jednoho šneka a dáme jej pod slabý proud vlažné až trošičku studené vody. Vezmeme kartáč a vydrhneme mu jemně ulitu a všechny záhyby. Netlačíme na novou část ulty!!!!!

2. Ulitu naposledy opláchneme a utřeme vatovým tamponkem.

3. Poté položíme šneka na nějakou podložku a dáme na tamponek dostatečné množství vazelíny či parafinového oleje. Chvíli necháme působit a poté setřeme přebytečný olej z ulity

A hotovo :) :)



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Discover the Premier Resource to Cryptocurrency Exchanges!

(Darrickpoise, 17. 3. 2024 11:22)

Hey everyone! I've just stumbled upon an incredible website that's all about cryptocurrency exchanges. If you're looking to dive deeper into the world of crypto, this might be the right spot for you!

The site (https://cryptoairdrops.ru/) offers in-depth analysis of numerous cryptocurrency platforms, including the ins and outs of their trading platforms, security protocols, supported coins, and overall reliability. Whether you're a novice just starting out or an advanced user, there's something for everyone.

What I found particularly useful was their comparison tool, which made it super easy to assess different exchanges and find the one that best fits my needs. They also cover the latest news in the crypto world, which keeps you informed on all the important news.

If you're interested in exploring different cryptocurrency exchanges, I highly recommend checking this site out. It's an invaluable resource that can help you make informed decisions in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.

Let's dive into it and share our experiences! Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with different exchanges as well.